Embark on a journey into the world of continuous delivery as we explore how cutting-edge development practices at Signal Ocean transform code into a live product in just 20 minutes. Join us for an exciting voyage through agile development, automation, and rapid deployment.
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Too often, software services are disconnected from the data they generate, and product teams often have difficulty in accessing and using their own data to improve product design. Moreover, while techniques like A/B testing are becoming more widespread in the industry, these techniques still leave a lot to be desired in terms of helping understand why users behave like they do. This talk will explore how data mesh architectures also provide benefits to data producers, and look at ways we can safely leverage our own data to design better products
Over the past decade, many companies have made great strides in delivering software, and convincing their companies to turn to Product Management to get out of the Build Trap. But, so many of these companies get stuck putting these practices into place so that the entire business is working together to become product led. In this talk, Melissa will address the most common issues companies face once they convince them Product Management is important, and how you can tackle them.