Lessons learned about tension between PM and Eng while talking about the What, Francesco Corti

The literature describes very well that a good Product Manager is responsible (or should be responsible) for the "why" and "what" of any feature, while the Delivery Team has the responsibility for the "how" and "when". But is it really the case in practice?

Talking to many Product Managers in different sectors and industries related to software development, the 'what' area of responsibility is not always clearly defined and there is a lot of overlap between the 'what' and the 'how'. What happens in practice is that this lack of clarity generates tensions about what needs to be developed, threatening the balance of work in the team and peaceful collaboration.

In this talk, Francesco is going to explore this "middle ground" space and is going to share some lessons learned in various teams of different leading companies in software development, with practical examples and useful suggestions.


Accelerating Towards Serverless-First with the Value Flywheel Effect, David Anderson


Rinseless-Brushing : a tale of practices, Romeu Moura