Opening 2023 Next Beyond the Build Trap: Becoming Truly Product Led, Melissa Perri You Might Also Like Lessons learned about tension between PM and Eng while talking about the What, Francesco Corti Accelerating Towards Serverless-First with the Value Flywheel Effect, David Anderson ai-cli-lib: A command-line copilot, Diomidis Spinellis Beyond the Baton, Louis Hanzlik Data to Decision: using Data Mesh to scale product experimentation, Emily F. Gorcenski
Opening 2023 Next Beyond the Build Trap: Becoming Truly Product Led, Melissa Perri You Might Also Like Lessons learned about tension between PM and Eng while talking about the What, Francesco Corti Accelerating Towards Serverless-First with the Value Flywheel Effect, David Anderson ai-cli-lib: A command-line copilot, Diomidis Spinellis Beyond the Baton, Louis Hanzlik Data to Decision: using Data Mesh to scale product experimentation, Emily F. Gorcenski